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Payment & SMS Gateway
Addon for 6amTech’s Products

Get 35+ payment gateways and 14+ SMS gateways, all in a single package, to solve your payment and transaction problems.

Payment and SMS gateway addon for 6amtechs products

Famous Payment Gateways for Faster & Convenient Checkout

stripe logo
paypal logo
Razorpay logo
sslcommerz logo
Mercao pago Logo
flutterwave logo
bkash Logo
paytm logo
paymob accept logo
Paystack logo
Senangpay logo
paytabs logo
liqpay logo
Myfatoorah logo
Xendit logo
Amazonpay logo
lyzi logo
Hyperpay logo
Foloosi Arabic logo
ccavenue owler logo
Pvit service logo
Moncash logo
Thawan flutter logo
Tap logo
Viva wallet Logo
Hubtel logo
Maxicash logo
eSewa logo
Swish payment Logo 1
Momo mtn logo
Payfast Logo
Worldpay Logo
6cash primary

Essential SMS Gateways for Smarter Communication

We’re Here For All Your Need!

No matter if you’re first on the line or already a pro user of our products, we’ve got your back! Find all things necessary and how to get it done easily by reading the documentation.

6amtech payment and sms gateway addon documentation

Why is 6amTech’s Payment & SMS Gateway Addon A Must?

The Payment & SMS Gateway Addon is a double victory for you and your customer in the long run. Let’s learn how-

Integration Capabilities

Integrate the Payment & SMS Gateway Addon seamlessly with your existing 6amTech’s solutions.

Diverse Payment Options

Provide various payment options to your users so they can choose to pay via their convenient payment method.

Efficient Payment Processing

Reduce the time and effort for customers to ensure quick payment processing via famous payment gateways.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Enable flexible payment options and send real-time notifications via SMS to enhance customer experience.

why is 6amtech payment and sms gateway addon a must?

Pricing of 6amTech Payment & SMS Gateway Addon

Regular License $79 $39

Extended License $299

How to Get Started?

Getting started with the Payment & SMS Gateway Addon is easy! Follow these simple steps to integrate the addon into your project.


Get the Payment & SMS Gateway Addon from CodeCanyon.


Download the payment & SMS gateway “.zip” file to your device.


Integrate the “.zip” file into system addon of your Admin Panel.


Add your license key to activate the addon and start using it.

6amtech payment and sms gateway addon faqs

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s see what people ask about 6amTech payment & SMS gateway addon.

1. What is the 6amTech Payment & SMS Gateway Addon?

The 6amTech Payment & SMS Gateway Addon is a special addition to the product line that includes the worldwide most popular payment system to handle a secure payment and convenient SMS service.

Of course! Please contact our support team for assistance. 

The 6amTech Payment & SMS Gateway Addon only works for one project at a time. So, if you have multiple eCommerce projects with 6amTech products, then you need to purchase multiple licenses. 

The 6amTech Payment & SMS Gateway Addon is only compatible with 6amTech’s solutions, such as 6amMart, 6Valley, StackFood, Demandium, eFood, 6Cash, Hexacom, GroFresh, and DriveMond.

Get The Payment & SMS Gateway Addon Today!