
Daffodil International University Highlights 6amtech’s Success 

Daffodil International University (DIU) recently honored the success of its alumni by featuring 6amTech, a software company founded by its graduates from the Computer Science & Engineering department. 

Under the leadership of CEO Sunny Sultan and CTO Nipon Roy, the successful company they founded now has around 70 employees, including former 11 DIU students.

DIU Alumni

On June 12th, 2024, a delegation from Daffodil International University, led by Deputy Director of International Affairs & Alumni Affairs, Syed Raihan-Ul-Islam, visited 6amTech. The purpose of the visit was to celebrate the alumni’s success and learn more about their journey. DIU expressed immense pride in both the founder’s entrepreneurial spirit and the company’s achievements.

6amTech founders with DIU alumni association

The DIU team learned about the experiences of 6amTech alumni firsthand. These former students shared their experiences of working at the company, highlighting how the knowledge and skills they gained during their undergraduate degree are being applied and further developed in this collaborative team environment.

Team 6amtech with diu alumni association

Daffodil International University recently posted a video on their social media platforms highlighting the company culture at 6amTech. The video includes interviews with the founders and other alumni, showcasing the close bond between DIU and its graduates.

The company, founded by proud DIU alumni, has grown significantly and now spreads its work globally. This success story not only highlights the capabilities of DIU’s graduates but also serves as an inspiration for current and future students.

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