
6amMart vs Grofresh: What’s The Difference? 

eCommerce has significantly changed the way of traditional business. Online integration is saving time and cost, business efficiency is increasing, and accessing the global market has become easier than ever before. eCommerce allows businesses to grow internationally without requiring a physical location. Reducing cost and maximizing revenue has become possible as the limitation of location and availability restriction is not a significant barrier anymore.

Stepping ahead into a new business can be confusing but having a reliable marketplace solution can help you ensure better maintenance and enhance your ability to dodge risks in the future. 

It may seem easy, but finding the right solution for your business can be challenging. 

You might have some questions storming in your mind at that moment. 

  • What could be the perfect solution?
  • What are the recent marketplace solutions with promising opportunities?
  • Which eCommerce solution is aligned with your goal and business?

6amMart and Grofresh are two marketplace solutions that can answer all these questions. 

Grofresh is a single-vendor eCommerce solution that supports many branches. In contrast, 6amMart is a multi-vendor solution.

But which one would you choose? 6amMart or Grofresh? If you want a grocery business then you can do it in 6amMart too, then why would you choose Grofresh? 

In this blog, I will give you all the major information regarding 6amMart and Grofresh so that you will be able to know the answer to these questions and decide which one you’ll choose for your business. 

What you’ll learn from this blog:

  • Basic overview of 6amMart and Grofresh
  • Main features
  • Deliverables and earning methods.
  • Similarities
  • Differences
  • Which one is the most appropriate for your company?

So, let’s dive in and find out! 


6amMart is a multi-vendor and multi-module eCommerce solution. You can start multiple businesses together with the multi-module feature in 6amMart. It is also very easy to operate businesses from a single dashboard. Suppose you want an eCommerce solution for your food delivery business. You can do your business using 6amMart with a food delivery module. After some days you decided to do business with pharmacy products with food delivery. Now you can add a pharmacy module to your system and operate both food delivery and pharmacy product business easily within two separate modules in one dashboard. Similarly, if you want more modules in your system, then you can add them based on your preference and operate them simultaneously within the same dashboard. This is how organized 6amMart is, so you can manage everything perfectly with zero hassle.

This solution is developed with the Laravel framework and apps are built with Flutter. Apps are supported on both Android and IOS devices. Famous payment gateways are supported in this solution to make a secure and easy customer payment experience. World-class SMS gateways are also integrated into this system to make this solution more convenient for communication.

Now let’s see what Grofresh is offering.


Grofresh is a single-vendor mult branch supported eCommerce solution. With Grofresh, you’ll have all the necessary solutions to operate your business smoothly from one main branch with multiple sub-branches. This solution is developed using Laravel and Flutter framework. Suppose, you want to do an online pharmacy business with multiple branches. Now, If you are using Grofresh, customers can order pharmacy items from different brunches and you can manage all the different branches and the list of orders. You can also manage orders from a central branch if customers can not order their items from any of the sub-branchs. You can chat with your customers, send custom notifications, and manage coupons. Managing customers and deliverymen is also super easy for you in Grofresh.

Know About: Single Vendor vs Multi Vendor eCommerce Platform

What Comes With 6amMart and Grofresh?

This is a list of key components of both solutions. Take a look to get a quick idea.

Solutions 6amMartGrofresh
Deliverables✅ Admin Panel
✅  Store Panel
✅ Store App
✅ Customer App
✅ Flutter Web App
✅ React User Website
✅ Deliveryman App
✅ Admin Landing 
✅ Admin Panel
✅ Branch Panel
✅ Customer App
✅ Deliveryman App
✅ User Website
Admin’s Earning Method▶️ Order-wise commission for each sale
▶️ Delivery commission from freelance deliveryman
▶️ Direct revenue from parcel delivery module
▶️ Additional Charge
▶️ Direct profit from sales as admin is the owner. 
Framework Model⚙  Laravel and Flutter ⚙ Laravel and Flutter
Demo LinkTest 6amMart DemoTest Grofresh Demo
Table 1: Deliverables and Earning Methods of 6amMart and Grofresh

What Are The Similarities Between 6amMart and Grofresh?

Though these two solutions serve different purposes, there are some similarities between 6amMart and Grofresh. These are the common attributes that you will find in these solutions:

User-wise solution✅ ✅ 
Multi-Language (with RTL)✅ ✅ 
Cash on Delivery✅ ✅ 
Digital Payment✅ ✅ 
Wallet and Loyalty Point✅ ✅ 
Dashboard and reporting✅ ✅ 
Firebase Push Notification✅ ✅ 
Promotions Management✅ ✅ 
Employee Management✅ ✅ 
Partial Payment✅ ✅ 
Multiple Currency Method✅ ✅ 
Category Setup✅ ✅ 
Deliveryman Management✅ ✅ 
Self-Registration for Deliveryman✅ ✅ 
Table 2: Common Features of 6amMart and Grofresh

Differences Between 6amMart and Grofresh

There is nothing to be confused about after seeing so many similarities between these two solutions. There are still many significant differences between 6amMart and Grofresh which make them unique.

Business MethodMulti-Vendor (Works with multiple different businesses and their products)Single Vendor(Works with a single business with multiple branches) 
Multi Branch6amMart doesn’t have branches, rather this solution can be operated by an admin from a single dashboard.  Grofresh has one main branch with multiple sub-branches. 
Modules 6amMart supports multiple modules like grocery, food, pharmacy, etc. Grofresh supports single modules with different categories.
Delivery Confirmation SettingAdmin can choose who will confirm the order – store or deliveryman along with the power of assigning deliveryman manually  After getting orders from customers, the product is simply delivered by deliverymen. There is no other option to wait for other’s confirmation.   
Earning Method (admin)Order-wise commission, delivery commission, direct revenue method from parcel delivery. Direct earnings from the sale
Parcel Delivery6amMart has this feature.Grofresh doesn’t have this feature.
React Website6amMart has a React Website Grofresh doesn’t have this
Table 3: Differences between 6amMart and Grofresh

6amMart vs Grofresh – Which One to Choose?

Now the actual challenge has arrived – to decide which one to choose as the best fit for your business as you have the brief information about these two solutions.  6amMart or Grofresh?

If you are looking for a multi-vendor eCommerce solution, then you can go for 6amMart. Or, if you are looking for a single-vendor eCommerce solution, then you can go for Grofresh.

If you want to go further from a single-vendor business to a multi-vendor business with several eCommerce modules together with different categories, then 6amMart will be the best option for you. 6amMart provides you access to manage not only grocery items but also several other modules like food, medicine, clothing, toys, beverages, meat, etc together in one place. It will also provide you additional options like parcel delivery and commission incomes alongside having unlimited modules to add to your business as your preferences.

If you want to go further from a single-vendor business to a multi-vendor business with several eCommerce modules together with different categories, then 6amMart will be the best option for you. 6amMart provides you access to manage not only grocery items but also several other modules like food, medicine, clothing, toys, beverages, meat, etc together in one place. It will also provide you additional options like parcel delivery and commission incomes alongside having unlimited modules to add to your business as your preferences. 

Wrapping Up

I have put all the information in this blog so that you can choose between 6amMart and Grofresh. I hope that after knowing all this information, you’ll be able to take your business to a very unique position. Still, one thing I need you to know is that both 6amMart and Grofresh are different products with different purposes and they do not compete with each other. 

See you on another topic. 


What is the major difference between 6amMart and Grofresh?

6amMart is a multi-vendor and multi-module eCommerce business platform. On the other hand, Grofresh is a single-vendor online grocery delivery platform.

How can I profit from 6amMart?

As an admin, you can profit in 6amMart by taking commissions on orders from the store’s sales. You can also make a profit by taking commissions from deliverymen. You can also earn directly through the parcel delivery module.

Can I customize the branding and interface of 6amMart based on my needs after purchase?

Of course, you can customize your branding and user interface in 6amMart based on your needs product after purchase.

Is there any option available to create manual orders in Grofresh?

Yes, you can. Using the built-in POS you can take orders from customers.

Can I integrate all my branches in Grofresh?

Definitely! You can add as many branches as you own the business.

G.M. Fattah

G.M. Fattah

Say hi to the enthusiastic technical content writer, Fattah! Turning complex topics into daily narratives and playing with words are his favorite hobbies. He uses his natural storytelling ability to convey information so that his audience can get an easy understanding. In leisure time, he enjoys listening to music and reading books.

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