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Version: 1.1.0
Developed by: 6amTech
Website: 6amtech.com
Support: support.6amtech.com
Download Plugin: wordpress.org
The 6amTech – Payment Gateway for bKash and WooCommerce plugin is designed to help WooCommerce store owners easily accept payments through bKash, a leading mobile payment service in Bangladesh. Whether you’re running a local or international store, this plugin integrates seamlessly into your WooCommerce checkout page, providing a smooth, secure payment experience for your customers.
Multi-Currency Support: If the WooCommerce site’s currency is not set to BDT and the store owner wants to do business in other countries along with Bangladesh, then the admin can set a custom BDT Price and BDT Sale Price for each product from the product details page. In that case, if the payment method is set to bKash then the BDT price amount will be applied for the payment process on the checkout page.
See how the plugin handles bkash payment if your WooCommerce store uses a different currency?
To use the bKash Payment Gateway plugin, ensure your site meets these requirements:
Make sure to Save Changes and test the integration by making a test purchase in Sandbox Mode before switching to Live Mode.
Add a product to the cart and proceed to checkout. On the Checkout page –
For every transaction made using bKash, you can access detailed information directly on the admin panel. Navigate to Dashboard > WC Bkash in your admin panel. From the payment table, you can view order details by clicking on the Order ID. The admin can get responses of “Payment Create Request” as well as “Payment Execute Request” in JSON format to validate sandbox credentials on the bKash merchant panel.
View Demo :
This plugin is licensed under the GPLv2 license.
You can toggle between Sandbox and Live modes by going to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > bKash and selecting your desired mode in the settings.
To add a fee for customers using bKash, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > bKash, enable Add Extra Fee, and enter the percentage amount of the fee in the Fee Percentage field.
You can see detailed payment information (including raw responses) by navigating to the WC Bkash menu from the Dashboard, selecting an order, and reviewing the bKash transaction data.
If you encounter any issues, you can reach our support team by submitting a ticket at support.6amtech.com.