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Mandatory setup

Run an existing flutter project on IDE #

You can generate an app icon from this website https://app icon.co.

  • Go to <project>/assets/image/ and replace logo.png with your own logo.
  • Then go to /android/app/src/main/res and replace all mipmap folder with your <generated icon>/android folder.
  • Again go to /ios/Runner and replace Assets.xcassets with your generated Assets.xcassets folder.


Recommended tutorial is below 👇

Change App Name #

  • You need to set your app name in three different places. Open <project>/lib/util/app_constrants.dart and set the value of APP_NAME


static const String APP_NAME =My App;
  • Change the value of the label from <project>/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml


android:label="My App"
  • Change the value of CFBundleName from <project>/iOS/Runner/info.plist


<string>My App</string>


Recommended tutorial is below 👇

Change Base URL #

Must remember that don’t put slash(/) at the end of your base URL. Use your admin URL as base URL. First, you have to install your admin panel. For example: If your admin url is https://your_domain.com/admin then the base URL will be https://your_domain.com. Open /lib/util/app_constrants.dart and replace BASE_URL variable value with your own URL.


static const String BASE_URL = 'https://your_domain.com';


Recommended tutorial is below 👇

Change App Package/applicationId #

First, you have to find out the existing package name/applicationId. You can find it on /android/app/build.gradle file. Now right-click on the project folder from Android Studio and click on replace in path. You will get a popup window with two input boxes. In the first box you have to put the existing package name that you saw in /android/app/build.gradle file previously and write down your preferred package name/applicationId
 in the second box and then click on Replace All button.


Recommended tutorial is below 👇