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Add New Local Language #

  • Go to /assets/language and press the right button on the language folder and create a new file and name it with your language code (.json). For example if your language is Bengali then you have to name your file as bn.json. You have to name it with a proper and valid language code otherwise the app won’t work. To get language and country code you can visit this URL: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E13214_01/wli/docs92/xref/xqisocodes.html
  • Copy all data from en.json and paste it into your created file.
  • Translate all English text placed here after the colon(:) to your local language. There texts are in key-value formatted. You have to translate value only not key otherwise it won’t work. For example: “home”: “Home” -> “home”: “বাড়ি”
  • Add your country picture on /assets/image folder.
  • Open /lib/util/app_constrants.dart, scroll down to the bottom and add one more LanguageModel under languages array with your imageUrllanguageNamecountryCode and languageCode. Again must remember that your language code and country code should be valid otherwise app won’t work. In image url field you have to put your image path as assets/image/added_country_picture_name.extension. For example if your added country picture name is bangladesh.png then path will be assets/image/bangladesh.png.


Recommended tutorial is below 👇

Change App Color #

  • Open <project>/lib/theme/light_theme.dart file and set primary, accent and etc. colours for a light theme.
  • In the same way open <project>/lib/theme/dark_theme.dart file and set preferred primary, accent and etc. color for dark theme.


Recommended tutorial is below 👇

Change App Font #

  • Download you preferred font from the internet. Google has many free fonts you can check them: https://fonts.google.com/
  • Unzip fonts and paste it them to <project>/assets/font/ folder.
  • Mentioned them in <project>/pubspec.yaml file like: fonts:
    • family: YOUR_FONT_FAMILY_NAME fonts:
      • asset: assets/font/YOUR_FONT_FILE_NAME.ttf weight: YOUR_FONT_WEIGHT
  • Replace the font family name in <project>/lib/theme/light_theme.dart<project>/lib/theme/dark_theme.dart and <project>/lib/util/styles.dart file.