Setup Essentials
Requirements for 6Cash Installation
Admin (V4.5)
- PHP 8.1 or higher
- MySQL 5.7 or higher
- Laravel 10
Mobile App (V4.5)
- IDE: Android Studio latest
- Flutter SDK ( 3.27.1 Stable)
- Install JDK 17
- Xcode 16.2 for IPA file build
- 6Cash requires PHP v8.1+ and MySQL 5.7+
- Mod_rewrite Apache
- BCMath PHP extension
- Ctype PHP, JSON, Mbstring, OpenSSL, PDO, Tokenizer, XML, Zip, Fileinfo, Gd, sodium Extension
In most servers, these extensions are enabled by default, but you should check with your hosting provider.
Please do this very carefully. We will not be responsible for your mistake.