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Process #

To receive payment from a customer as a merchant a user needs to be registered as a merchant by Admin. Once admin registers and approves a merchant account then merchant can log in to their panel. Merchants will get public key, secret key and merchant number from the merchant panel in the developers section.

Payment Page Flow #

  • A payment page will appear for customer.
  • Customer will put their account number of ( payment gateway ) 6cash
  • Then proceed to the OTP page
 Phone Verification SS

Phone Verification

6Cash Doc Payment Flow OTP Verification SS

OTP verification

6Cash Doc Payment Flow Pin Verification SS

PIN verification

6Cash Doc Payment Flow Paument Success SS

Payment successful

  • After OTP verification, the customer will put in their valid PIN number.
  • If the customer balance is sufficient then the customer will be sent to the success page.

Payment process from merchant website/shop: #

Make Payment #

First, a payment order will be created in the payment gateway server.

Make payment

$url = 'BASE_URL/api/v1/create-payment-order';
$amount = 'YOUR_AMOUNT';

$response = Http::post($url, [
    'public_key'=> 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY',
    'secret_key'=> 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY',
    'merchant_number'=> 'MERCHANT_NUMBER',
    'amount'=> $amount,


if($response['status'] == 'merchant_not_found'){
    //Merchant not found

if($response['status'] == 'payment_created'){
    return redirect()->away($response['redirect_url']. '&callback=' . $URL_YOU_WANT_TO_REDIRECT_AFTER_PAYMENT_DONE);

Callback URL #

Merchant can set a callback url from shop settings, once customer completes the payment process, a transaction summary will be generated and sent to the given callback url.


Verification URL #

Using transaction ID merchant website can verify payment for customer :


$payment_verification_url = 'https://6cash-url/api/v1/payment-verification';

$response = Http::post($payment_verification_url, [
    'public_key'=> 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY',
    'secret_key'=> 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY',
    'merchant_number'=> 'MERCHANT_NUMBER',
    'transaction_id' => $transaction_id,

Success Response

  "payment_record": {
    "id": "6df7e156-69da-47d2-9d61-8464b4be0d42",
    "merchant_user_id": 66,
    "user_id": 57,
    "transaction_id": "Y37tR1674562943",
    "amount": 28,
    "callback": "https://url/6cash/callback",
    "is_paid": 1,
    "expired_at": "2023-01-24T12:27:12.000000Z",
    "created_at": "2023-01-24T12:22:12.000000Z",
    "updated_at": "2023-01-24T12:22:27.000000Z"

Error Response

  "errors": [
      "code": "error code",
      "message": "error message will be here"